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Title Content Type Categories Tags
Revision of EUR-ACE Framework Standars and Guidelines 2021 (Marta Kosior-Kazberuk) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations EURACE label
Sustainable Development Goals and Engineering Atrributes (Arif Bülent Özgüler) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation
Developments in the Int’l Engineering Allliance:Washington Accord (Elizabeth Taylor) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations international, International accreditation
Consistency in a world gone mad – Assuring quality & relevance of engineering education in a Dynamic World (Damien Owens) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations academic quality, quality processes
Accreditation of Distance Learning Programmes (Michael Milligan) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, International accreditation
Online evaluation:audit of programmes (Kseniya Zaitseva) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations evaluation
Int’l accreditation as a key for technological diplomacy worldwide (José Carlos Quadrado) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations International accreditation
Institutional quality audits & FINEEC approach (Kati Isoaho) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations academic quality
EUR-ACE label awards: Authorization Period Status 16 June  2020 Document Word document
ENAEE Full and Associate Members November 2018 Document Word document
Charter of Good Conduct leaflet Mar 2018 Document Leaflets, Statutes and By-laws Charter of good conduct for agencies, Leaflet, Statutes and by-laws
Acronyms Frequently Used in EUR-ACE® Label Committee Documentation 2018 Document ENAEE/IEA Glossary of Terminology EURACE label
ENAEE BYLAWS FINAL Approved by GA 21 Nov 2017 Document PDF, Statutes and By-laws
Reputation and recognition of EUR-ACE® labelled programmes within the EHEA and outside the EHEA (McGrath) Leuven 2017 Document Publications and Conference Presentations engineering education, EURACE label
Experiences from development and delivery of Work-Based Degree Progammes (Booth) Leuven 2017 Document Publications and Conference Presentations engineering education, programme outcomes
Enhancing consistency and quality of accreditation procedures and the quality management of ENAEE authorised agencies DOGU Leuven 2017 Document Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, engineering education, quality management
Competence requirements, assessment and development in Industry (Jauffret) Leuven 2017 Document Publications and Conference Presentations competence requirements, engineering education, industry
Improving learning outcomes assessment in Engineering Education (Falcao) Leuven 2017 Document Publications and Conference Presentations best practice, engineering education, programme outcomes
EUR-ACE outcome standards and achievement (Remaud) Leuven 2017 Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines, Publications and Conference Presentations EURACE label, programme outcomes
EUR-ACE programme outcomes in relation to national standards and requirements Leuven 2017 Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines engineering education, EURACE label, programme outcomes
Good practice in EUR-ACE label programme accreditation Leuven 2017 plenary session Document Publications and Conference Presentations best practice, engineering education, EURACE label
Certificate for for National Immigration Authorities leaflet Oct 2017 Document Leaflets engineering education, Leaflet
Leuven Communiqué Nov 2017 – recommendations from conference Document Best Practice in Engineering Programme Accreditation Conclusions and recommendations, engineering education, EURACE label
Best Practice in Engineering accreditation 2017 Document Best Practice in Engineering Programme Accreditation best practice, engineering education, EURACE label
ENAEE 10th Anniversary E-Book 2017 pdf Document Best Practice in Engineering Programme Accreditation, EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines engineering education, EURACE label