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Application Form (Re)Authorisation June 2024 Document
ERT Report (Re-)Authorisation – June 2024 Document
EUR-ACE Authorisation Process – June 2024 Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines accreditation, EAFSG, EURACE label, quality labels
EAFSG approved 4 Nov 2021.pdf Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines, PDF accreditation, EAFSG
ENAEE-Language-Requirements-for-Applications-2010-11-0511 Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines, PDF accreditation, EURACE label
LC Terms of Reference 2023 Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines, PDF accreditation, engineering education, EURACE label
EUR-ACE Label Authorisation Process – version November 2023.pdf Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines, PDF accreditation, EURACE label
ENAEE Mentoring Criteria LC 2010-10-28 rev Apr 2012 Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines, PDF accreditation
ENAEE Inaugural Session 6 January 2023 – Lisbon Programme Document
FPEU2022 – Propositions Of CDEFI – From The Engineering Degree In Europe To The European Engineering Degree Document
Being an Engineer Tomorrow in Europe – Report of the Convention Document Publications and Conference Presentations engineering qualifications
EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines – 4 November 2021 Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines
EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines EAFSG – 4 november 2021 Document
EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines approved 4th November 2021 Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines
Transnational Accreditation Procedure Update GA 4 November 2021 Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines, PDF
EUR-ACE® Label Authorisation Process Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines, PDF
EUR-ACE® Label Authorisation Process Online Procedure for Agencies accrediting online Document EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines, PDF
ENAEE Statutes (French) 28 June 2021 Document PDF, Statutes and By-laws
ENAEE Forum 2021: Communiqué Document Publications and Conference Presentations
Expected evidences for Achievement of Programme Outcomes- a MÜDEK perspective (Engin Arikan & Erbil Payzin) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations programme outcomes
Good practices in learning outcomes assessment – Results of an investigation made on behalf of the ENAEE Label Committee (Guenter Heitmann) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations EURACE label, programme outcomes
Challenge-based learning: Many opportunities (Yolande Berbers) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations
EUR-ACE Standards: How to meet global challenges and QA requirements (Guillermo Calleja & Simona Lache) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations EURACE achievements, EURACE label, international, International accreditation
Efforts last decade: EUR-ACE going global – QUEECA TEMPUS Project – Project Milestones and Results (CLaudio Borri) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations EURACE achievements, EURACE label, international, International accreditation
ICACIT and Latin America on the way to the EUR-ACE label (Enrique Alvarez Rodrich) ENAEE Forum 2021 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations EURACE achievements, EURACE label, International accreditation